Ex-PlayStation Boss Questions Why Sony Would Put PS5 Games On Xbox

This year has been dominated at times by all the talk of first-party Xbox games heading over to PlayStation consoles, and aside from MLB The Show (which kinda doesn’t apply anyway), there’s been no sign of Sony returning the favour.

Speaking to Eurogamer this week, former PlayStation exec Shawn Layden questioned why first-party PS5 games would make the jump to Xbox, pointing out that PlayStation is the market leader compared to Xbox in the console space, and that there would be a lot of “aggro” involved in trying to get more sales by putting games on Xbox.

“I don’t know what the business imperative would be to do that. PlayStation has been the leader for almost every generation it’s been in…”

“So the question you’re asking is: should PlayStation, with that huge market lead and the momentum, apparently, going forward, should they build versions of their games to run on a competing platform of much smaller size and scale? As the saying goes, I don’t know if the juice is worth the squeeze. How many additional sales would they get versus the brand impact, all the aggro?”

Layden also pointed out that the PlayStation fanbase gets upset when a first-party game is ported to PC over a year following its release, asking the interviewer to “just imagine” what would happen if their games were ported to Xbox too.

We have a feeling that Phil Spencer and his team won’t be giving up hope though, especially considering Phil has talked about his desire to see Helldivers 2 on Xbox in the past. The ball is ultimately in Sony’s court though, and for now at least, Microsoft seems happy to put various first-party games on PlayStation consoles regardless of Sony’s intentions.