Talking Point: Is There A Popular Xbox Franchise You’ve Struggled To Get Into?
Talking Point: Is There A Popular Xbox Franchise You’ve Struggled To Get Into?
Maybe Halo? Gears? Forza?
It’s time for a confession – I’ve never really been a fan of the Gears series. Yes, Gears 5 looked incredible when I first played it on the Xbox Series X in 2020, and Gears Tactics was pretty fun too, but in general it’s just never grabbed me as much as I’d hoped. I tried starting again with Gears 1 recently (which might turn into an article all of its own), but again it’s just struggled to hold my interest. Fortunately, there are other members of Team PX who absolutely love it!
You might question how I could possibly dislike Gears, but hey – we all have different likes and dislikes! As much as the likes of Halo and Forza Horizon have become beloved franchises over the years, there’s bound to be a whole bunch of Xbox fans who just don’t enjoy them for whatever reason, regardless of how successful they might have proven to be.
Call of Duty can even be thrown into the mix now, of course. Yes, a massive number of Xbox players have been checking out Black Ops 6 over the past week, but there are probably plenty of others who are sick of hearing about it already!
Then, there are the games that have become cult classics over the years such as Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Quantum Break, Ryse: Son of Rome – a lot of people clearly love these, but they definitely have their detractors as well.
Those aren’t really franchises though, so let’s stick to the main ones – Halo, Gears, Forza, Call of Duty, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Age of Empires… there are many candidates, so let us know what you’ve struggled to get into down below.